Electric Vehicle (EV) Protection Expand your coverage, effortlessly

Porsche Electric Vehicle Protection (EVSP) delivers benefits beyond the high standards set by the Porsche factory warranty program, with coverage options up to 10 years or 100,000 miles.1 Pay nothing on covered repairs other than the deductible you select.

infographic of Porsche coverage infographic of Porsche coverage

Service you can trust. Parts you can count on.

You will receive genuine Porsche parts2 and superior service designed specifically for your vehicle

  • Nationwide service available at all participating, authorized Porsche Centers or other authorized licensed repair facilities
  • 24 - hour roadside assistance with enhanced roadside benefit
  • Reimbursement of up to $250 for towing to the nearest authorized Porsche Center or licensed repair facility, or to the nearest compatible charging station3
  • Rental car reimbursement4 of up to $50 per day for up to 10 days5, if required
  • Trip interruption coverage of up to $200 per day for a maximum of five (5) days, if required for a total benefit of $1,000 per occurrence4
  • Deductible options of either $100 per claim or $250 per claim are available. If the $100 deductible is chosen, the deductible is waived if repairs are performed at the selling dealer
  • Transferable for a $50 fee if you sell your vehicle to a private party6
infographic of Porsche coverage infographic of Porsche coverage

Available on new, pre-owned, and Porsche Electric Vehicles at the time of purchase or lease. Also available after vehicle purchase or lease if the vehicle is still covered under the manufacturers new vehicle limited warranty.

Covered components

Not only does Porsche Vehicle Service Protection Platinum Plan expand the coverage for the service of major compo­nents, we also cover an extensive range of genuine Porsche parts

Powertrain, Transmission, Drive Axle

Including Electrical Drivetrain components

Climate Control

Including air conditioning and heater components

Shocks, Front and Rear Suspension

Including suspension bushings and bearings

Steering and Brakes

Including power steering and Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) components

Fuel Systems, Electrical Systems

Including fuel injection, sensors, and power windows and seating

Navigation, Audio, High-Tech

Including navigation display and Bluetooth®

Coverage exclusions may apply:7

  • Mechanical breakdowns covered by your vehicle's manufacturer's warranty
  • Mechanical breakdowns caused by accident, collision, vandalism, or weather-related conditions
  • Mechanical breakdowns caused by lack of recommended maintenance or preexisting conditions
  • Repair or replacement of hybrid batteries, electric batteries, and battery cables

1Electric Vehicle Service Protection coverage runs concurrently with any applicable manufacturer's warranties.

2Any necessary replacements will be made using genuine Porsche new or remanufactured parts, or Porsche-approved parts.

3Vehicle will be towed to selling dealer if mechanical breakdown occurs within 100 miles. If over 100 miles, the vehicle will be towed to the nearest authorized licensed repair facility.

4Due to a covered mechanical breakdown

5Rental car reimbursement of $50 per day up to 10 days does not include fuel, collision damage waivers and optional insurance charges.

6Product Agreement is transferable within 30 days of the covered vehicle resale or lease assumption.

7Additional exclusions may apply. Please see your Product Agreement for specific coverage details, including limitations and a complete list of exclusions.

Porsche Englewood 40.8897518, -73.9750368.